Ans: You can take admission through any one of the Authorized Training Centre/Admission Centre of OIVET.
Ans: The courses offered have an eligibility of 8th, 10th and 12th depends on which course you are applying
Ans: The fees charged by the training centre, depends upon the services they provide like additional training, visual aids etc. However, the candidate should be vigilant and should inform OIVET in case if they charge exorbitant fees.
Ans: OIVET offers the classroom module under the experimental learning method.
Ans: As a part of the admission process, all candidates will have a one to one interaction with the faculty members.
Ans: The learner may apply for correction to the OIVET Authorized Centre/Institute within 3 days of declaration of result, if any discrepancy is found in the result after 3 days the correction is chargeable according to the prevailing fees.
Ans: Student will get a chance to write a new exam.
Ans: On Demand Examination System (ODES) is an examination facility provided by OIVET to its learners. A learner can appear under the ODES as and when ready for the examination after first public examination. A learner can apply online for ODES and can choose a date of examination as per convenience. ODES examinations are conducted in all Authorized Centre on a monthly basis.
Ans: At Present No, we are in the process of getting Government Grant. After that, it is possible.
Ans: Yes, within one month from the date of registration with Fine.
Ans: No, But we can provide Recommended Books list.
Ans: Via E-mail usually or by Mobile Phone (Rarely).
Ans: Rs. 50/- and Rs.300/- respectively.